Monday, September 19, 2005

Random Thoughts

As I’ve been trying to catch up on my email, I remembered several things which have happened over the last week which I wanted to comment on. All sorts of miscellaneous stuff.

Site: I’ve updated the "About" section to reflect my new work here and added another news story to the "Links" page. I DO have a digital camera, though I haven’t been able to take many pictures. Others have, and I’ve gotten copies - around 600 of them. Hopefully I can sift through them and get some posted for ya’ll soon.

Water: So we can’t drink it in some places, and can in others. There are locations around the city where you can pick up free cases of bottled water. BIG bottles. What’s cool about this is where some of it comes from. The most interesting, by far is that from Miller Brewing Company. We have several cases of glass bottles (40’s, to be exact) filled with water. They all carry a blue label with the Miller logo and "For Emergency Use Only" stamped on them. They also make the CAN variety. I’m trying to get some for souvenirs.

Security: Some of you have heard me say this before. Most security is a JOKE. For those of you who don’t know, I serve each year as a security supervisor at a 4-day 24x7 event which draws 30,000+ people. This has taught me a lot, and it’s not hard for me to get places that I might not belong. The basic rule of thumb is if you act like you belong, people don’t question. I’m quite surprised to see these concepts transfer to a place with MILITARY POLICE. We made these cheesy little ID badges in the car on the way over since we thought it might help to have SOMETHING identifying us. Cell phone pictures and a Kinko’s later, we have "official" ID. I can’t begin to describe the help these suckers have been. Between them and our city contacts, I’ve been able to obtain near unrestricted access to all city buildings in Biloxi and D’Iberville, the roof of a 35-story casino/hotel which is the highest point around, access to the "Restricted Quarantine Area" (the area closed to the public because of the damage it sustained), passage on the "special lane" (reserved for police, medical, government vehicles) of the bridge which is usually WAY backed up, after hours entrance to Wal-Mart (still HATE that place, but it’s all we have), and no problems getting through any of the curfew checkpoints. No one bothers to ask much. Just pull up, say something like "doing emergency communications for the city," they see the badge, the headset I’m wearing, and the clipboard I’m carrying (a KEY piece), and wave me through. It’s gotten to the point where they recognize our van and don’t even stop us. And these are military police.

Minivans: Most of you know I hate these with a passion. I just don’t get it. If you REALLY have the need to move that many people/things, there are still other solutions to the minivan. Maybe I just hate what they stand for. I’ve vowed to never own one myself. WELL, for the last week, I’ve been driving one. We needed something to haul gear and people around, so Matthew (systems guy, gone now) rented one. I’ve pretty much been the only driver. It’s growing on me. Granted I still don’t want one, but the thing drives so well and has been so useful. Gas mileage is terrible, though, so I imagine a SUV would do just as well. Think that’s all for now. Thanks to everyone who has written, called, and supported me. I really appreciate it. Now, time for bed.

- Matt

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