Sunday, June 08, 2008

Indo, Day 18: Airborne

There isn't a whole lot newsworthy about today (Saturday). I woke up at 4am to get my transfer tickets for a 6am flight to Tokyo. For all Singapore does right, there are some strange inefficiencies. Like the counter agent who took 10 minutes to check in each person in line. I never waited that long in Indonesia with people who didn't speak English!

The only possible problem that may have arisen is, despite my printed itinerary to the contrary, she insisted her system said I was going to Portland today. "No," I tried to correct her, "I'm going to Seattle today and Portland tomorrow. See the printout?" She just kept repeating that her system said I was going to Portland. I tried to explain how that didn't matter because my fight from Seattle to Portland isn't even on Northwest, so what her system said is kind of irrelevant so long as Alaska has it right. This created no small amount of confusion. She muttered something about rebooking me, and now I can only assume I have no flight to Portland tomorrow. But I guess we'll find out soon enough.

After that flight it was another to Seattle. Basically, I spent the entire day on a plane. No, really, an entire day. See, nothing really to write about.

I arrived in Seattle three hours after I took off (ugh), got to my hotel and tried to sleep. Didn't go so well.

I'm hear for a work event, which I'll write more about tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey stranger. just thought I'd let you know that your feed doesn't always come through on my blog. I don't know if that's a common issue for others using different blog servers, but maybe that's why you aren't on as many people's blogs. I haven't had the heart to delete you, even though the feed is down. :o)